Our experience
SLEC accountants have been supporting entrepreneurs and individuals for more than thirty years in the management of companies and personal assets. Thanks to the complementarity of the knowledge areas of its members, SLEC provides complete and functional advice to business and privates. SLEC's tax specialists assist taxpayers in the context of cross-examination with the tax authorities and defend them in the event of a tax dispute.
The vocation to integrated consultancy involves the carrying out of all activities both at home and internationally.
The professional skills are completed by the performance of judicial appointments in the context of insolvency and real estate executions.
Our mission
The integrated consultancy, nourished by the close interconnections between the accounting area and the management consultancy area of SLEC, provides managers and entrepreneurs with an all-round vision of company organization, performance level, management control, contractual support tools and tax optimization.
Economic action aims at the best result that can be achieved in full compliance with the principles of legality, safety and health of people, environmental protection and the growth of the person as an individual and as a professional.
Professional areas
Tax accountant
Company law
Business crisis management
Management of sports clubs
Asset management
Bankruptcy procedures
Competitive sales
Our philosophy
We believe in the value of the individual and in the social value of the company. The action of the economic man is oriented to pursue the advantage of the individual, in full respect of other subjects, of the rules dictated by law and natural values. In the context of such a context, we are professionally dedicated to the achievement of the client's targets, on the basis of full understanding and sharing of intentions. We feel like partners of our clients that are motivated by trust received.
Every day we expand and refine the technical knowledge that we can make available to those who turn to us.
The Team
Renzo Dugo
founder - senior partner
chartered accountant
1986: Degree in economics and commerce with full marks - Cà Foscari University, Venice
1987: registration in the Register of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, Treviso
1995: registration in the Register of Statutory Auditors
attendance of qualified specialization courses (at CUOA, SDA BOCCONI and other training institutions)
Professional experiences
Renzo Dugo began practicing as a chartered accountant in 1987 and was co-founder of the Law and Accounting Firm in 2000. He has consolidated experience in the administrative and financial area, in tax litigation and in the negotiation of contracts, both in the domestic and international. His long experience in the management of commercial, industrial and professional sports companies gives him an all-round vision of corporate phenomena, with a strong ability to analyze and identify original proposals suitable for overcoming critical issues. Author of publications in leading tax law and corporate law magazines, he has participated as a speaker at conferences and training events on the subject. His commitment in the didactic field has led him to be an adjunct professor at the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice (teaching of balance sheet elements and economic-financial analysis, as well as business economics), teacher at the Master at the same university ( liquidation of joint stock companies), lecturer at the Professional Training School for Chartered Accountants and Statutory Auditors (Treviso / Venice - accounting principles and corporate law). He has participated, as a speaker, in training events for chartered accountants, lawyers and notaries.
He is director, statutory auditor and statutory auditor of joint stock companies.
Enrolled in the list of technical consultants and experts at the Court of Treviso, he also carries out activities as bankruptcy trustee, judicial commissioner and advisor for companies in arrangement with creditors. He is the holder of duties as auxiliary to the Execution Judge. He receives judicial and extra-judicial appointments as CTU, CTP, arbitrator and appraiser.
Language skills
Italian, English, German.
Alberto Padoan
chartered accountant
2002: Degree in economics and commerce, Cà Foscari University, Venice
2007: Register of Chartered Accountants, Treviso; 2007: Register of Statutory Auditors;
2008-2010: Participation in qualified specialization seminars at the Euroconference Group (Centro Studi Tributari - Centro Studi Forense);
2011: Master in international taxation Seac-Cefor Trento;
2017-2019: Advanced Training Course in Management Control SAF Triveneta.
Professional experiences
Alberto Padoan has been collaborating with SLEC since 2005, of which he became a partner in 2015. He has consolidated experience in corporate, national and international tax, business and contractual consultancy, in the establishment and management of non-commercial entities, associations and amateur sports clubs. He is statutory auditor and statutory auditor of joint-stock companies and cooperatives.
Language skills
Italian English.
Barbara Moro
chartered accountant
2001: Degree in economics and commerce, Cà Foscari University, Venice
2008: Register of Chartered Accountants, Treviso; Register of Statutory Auditors 2008-2010 Participation in qualified specialization seminars at the Euroconference Group (Centro Studi Tributari - Centro Studi Forense).
Professional experiences
Barbara Moro has been collaborating with SLEC since 2007. She has gained experience in the tax and corporate area and in the establishment and management of non-commercial entities and non-profit associations.
He has many years of experience in bankruptcy procedures and in the field of delegated real estate sales.
He holds the office of statutory auditor and statutory auditor of joint-stock companies, including listed ones, and cooperatives
Language skills
Italian English.
Giovanni Pase
dottore commercialista
2011: Laurea in Economia Aziendale, Università Cà Foscari, Venezia;
2013: Laurea in Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo, Università Cà Foscari, Venezia;
2016: Iscrizione Albo Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti contabili di Treviso;
2016: Iscrizione Registro Revisori Legali;
2019-2020: Master in Corporate Finance – Rapporto Banca/Impresa;
2021: Master SAF - Controllo di Gestione;
2022: Master SAF - Adeguati assetti organizzativi, amministrativi e contabili;
2023: Master SAF - Crisi d’impresa e redazione di piani industriali e di risanamento.
Esperienze Professionali
Giovanni Pase dopo oltre 10 anni di collaborazioni presso primari studi commercialistici in provincia di Treviso, diviene, nel 2024, socio commercialista di SLeC.
Ha maturato una consolidata esperienza relativamente alla consulenza societaria, fiscale e aziendalistica, con particolare riferimento all’analisi finanziaria d’impresa e l’ottimizzazione del rapporto con gli Istituti di Credito.
Svolge abitualmente consulenza alle aziende nell’implementazione di strumenti atti ad analizzare la dinamiche economico/finanziarie, specie al momento delle richiesta di nuovi finanziamenti o in fase di start-up.
Nel corso della sua carriera ha seguito diverse transazioni di natura stragiudiziale atte alla ristrutturazione del debito ed al risanamento aziendale.
Ricopre l’incarico di Sindaco e Revisore Legale di società di capitali.
È nel consiglio direttivo di una società sportiva dilettantistica.
Conoscenze linguisitiche
Italiano, Inglese
Valentina Daberto
dottore commercialista
2016: Laurea in Economia Aziendale, Università degli Studi di Udine;
2018: Laurea in Amministrazione e Controllo, Università degli Studi di Udine;
2021: Iscrizione all’Albo dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili di Treviso;
2022: Master SAF in M&A;
2023: Master SAF Il Commercialista Consulente della Sostenibilità
Esperienze Professionali
Valentina Daberto ha collaborato con un altro importante studio commercialistico della provincia di Treviso prima di diventare, nel 2024, socia commerciliasta di SLeC.
Ha maturato una buona esperienza relativamente alla consulenza tributaria, societaria e aziendale, con una naturale propensione all’analisi economico-patrimoniale e finanziaria d’impresa.
Conoscenze Linguistiche
Italiano, Inglese, Spagnolo.
The assistants
Ilaria Feltrin
Marica Magoga
Paola Moro
contact center
Fiorella Vettorello
Dr. Romina Bisa
Martina Dal Cin
dottore commercialista
2018: Laurea in Economia Aziendale presso Università degli Studi di Udine
2020: Laurea in Amministrazione, Finanza e Controllo presso Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia;
2022: Iscrizione all’Albo dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili di Treviso;
2023: Corso di Formazione per l'iscrizione all'Albo dei Soggetti Incaricati dall'Autorità Giudiziaria delle Funzioni di Gestione e di Controllo nelle Procedure Disciplinate nel Codice della Crisi e dell'Insolvenza organizzato dal Consiglio Nazionale dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili
Esperienze Professionali
Martina Dal Cin ha intrattenuto diverse collaborazioni con importanti studi commercialistici della provincia di Treviso prima di collaborare, nel 2024, con lo Studio SLeC.
Ha maturato una buona esperienza in ambito di consulenza tributaria, societaria, aziendale e in materia di detrazioni fiscali, con una naturale predisposizione alla crisi d’impresa.
Conoscenze linguistiche
Italiano, Inglese
Indirizzi Email
Telefono Social
Via Giuseppe e Luigi Olivi 2/e 31100 Treviso
Via Daniele Manin 28
31015 Conegliano
+39 0422 230575
+39 0422 234115